
We’ve helped athletes achieve goals from winning a national championship to becoming a 70.3 triathlete after quitting smoking and getting off the couch. If you have the motivation and the willingness to do the work, I can help you.
How it Works
At the onset of our new coaching relationship, we’ll discuss your goals for the season, which race or races are most important to you, and set out some results-oriented (i.e., “finish the Boulder 70.3 in less than five hours”) as well as process-oriented goals (i.e., “develop better bike handling skills by going on group rides once a week”).
We’ll agree on how much time you have per week to train, which day(s) will be your rest days, and any other commitments, travel or life events that we’ll need to work around.
How it Works
At the onset of our new coaching relationship, we’ll discuss your goals for the season, which race or races are most important to you, and set out some results-oriented (i.e., “finish the Boulder 70.3 in less than five hours”) as well as process-oriented goals (i.e., “develop better bike handling skills by going on group rides once a week”).
We’ll agree on how much time you have per week to train, which day(s) will be your rest days, and any other commitments, travel or life events that we’ll need to work around.

What You Get
You’ll get personalized coaching tailored towards your individual goals, delivered online via your own TrainingPeaks account. You can also opt to have your daily workout delivered via e-mail, and take it with you on-the-go on a free iPhone or Android app.
We’ll assign your training plan two weeks at a time, so that I can respond to anything that changes in your schedule, how fatigued or rested you are, any new races on the calendar, etc.
We’ll also be available to you by phone, e-mail or text. Rather than “ration out” your access to us, We encourage you to contact us as much as you need, but simply request that you give us up to 48 hours to respond (it will typically be much faster than that).
You’ll get personalized coaching tailored towards your individual goals, delivered online via your own TrainingPeaks account. You can also opt to have your daily workout delivered via e-mail, and take it with you on-the-go on a free iPhone or Android app.
We’ll assign your training plan two weeks at a time, so that I can respond to anything that changes in your schedule, how fatigued or rested you are, any new races on the calendar, etc.
We’ll also be available to you by phone, e-mail or text. Rather than “ration out” your access to us, We encourage you to contact us as much as you need, but simply request that you give us up to 48 hours to respond (it will typically be much faster than that).

What You Give
Coaching is a two-way street! Your success from our training plan will depend on your ability to hold up your end of the bargain:
Next Steps
Interested in coaching? Contact us or view pricing.
Coaching is a two-way street! Your success from our training plan will depend on your ability to hold up your end of the bargain:
- Train with a device that records and measures power or heart rate. If you don’t yet own a device, I’m happy to make some recommendations about which one to get.
- Upload your workouts consistently and communicate feedback about your key workouts as well fatigue, soreness, etc.
- Be 90% compliant to the plan.
- Do your best, and have fun. Yes, endurance sports are about pushing the limit and discovering what we’re made of...but ultimately we train and race because it’s FUN!
Next Steps
Interested in coaching? Contact us or view pricing.